Thursday, August 28, 2008

for part 1 of exhibiting signification my object will be a sword.  for safety purposes for my classmates and especially myself i will bring in a plastic sword although i def have some real ones.  its okay be jellous.  my target audience will be medieval/fantasy/renessaince/world of warcraft people.  my audience would of been introduced to this object through movies, books, games, and festivals.  this is an object that is more related to a hobby but at the same time there are plenty of people who still make battle ready fully funcional swords.  i got mine off ebay which was a poor choice.  for me swords signify my childhood and my imagination.  i would always play some sort of role playing game in the backyard with my brother that always involved the characters having swords.  any cartoon or movie i was drawn too would always have a sword somewhere (thundercats, heman, conan the barbarian, ninja turtles, etc. )  personally i would love to see an exhibit on this object to see as many as possible in one place and to learn more.  if for some reason you feel the need to know my favorite sword of all time is the atlantean from the movie conan the barbarian.  bad f'n ass

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